Why Do Protestants Convert?

Many Protestants do not understand why some of their members, especially the devout and educated, become Catholic. Protestant scholars Brad Littlejohn and Christ Castaldo attempt to explain why in a new book, Why Do Protestants Convert?

Over at Catholic World Report, Catholic apologist Casey Chalk, responds to the book:

Why do Protestants convert to Catholicism? If you’ve watched even a few episodes of Marcus Grodi’s “Journey Home” on EWTN, or read conversion stories from the likes of Scott Hahn, Francis Beckwith, Thomas Howard, Fr. Dwight Longenecker, or Paul Thigpen (among many others), you’ll know the answer is: for lots of reasons. Prominent Protestant thinkers Brad Littlejohn and Chris Castaldo distill all of them down to three in their new, 100-page book Why Do Protestants Convert?

The results, as one might expect given the complexity of the subject matter, are curious.

Chalk argues that the authors don’t understand basic Catholic teaching, give almost no substantial response to the main theological reasons for conversion, and outright invent their own reasons why people convert. In short, he says, they fail to answer the question posed in the book’s title.

I encourage you to read his critique in full.

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